Saturday, October 27, 2007

Scientology Volunteer Ministers Eastern European Goodwill Tour Brings Disaster Preparedness to Craiova, Romania
In 2006, Romania was devastated by one of the worst flood seasons in the history of the country. And although there was no loss of life, so many Romanians were affected that it brought home the importance of having well trained emergency response personnel in place. Which explains why officials, community groups and the general public have been so interested in the disaster relief training program provided by the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Eastern European Goodwill Tour.
Youngsters dressed in traditional costumes at the grand opening of the Goodwill Tour in Craiova, Romania.

The first to take advantage of the Volunteer Ministers disaster relief training program was the local Red Cross, whose staff and volunteers attended seminars on communication and ethics. The Red Cross personnel also learned to deliver Scientology assists—simple techniques developed by L. Ron Hubbard that handle the spiritual component in trauma.

More information here

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