Monday, February 19, 2007

Scientologist Robin Hogarth wins Grammy in Los Angeles

A Grammy for the "Best Traditional World Music" was awarded last week at the 49th Grammy Awards in Los Angeles. It went to the Soweto Gospel Choir. Per ScientoloyToday the record producer, Scientologist Robin Hogarth, said that he was inspired in his work by the vision of L. Ron Hubbard of the potential of South Africa (the photo is from there as well). Cool, considering that most of the singers have been living in the poor townships of Johannesburg and learned singing in a church on Sundays. Well, Scientology makes dreams come true.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Source: Scientology Today

Church of Scientology International Receives LA Business Journal's Real Estate Award

The Church of Scientology International is a 2007 recipient of the Los Angeles Business Journal's Real Estate Award. Announced in the February 12th issue of the LA Business Journal, the theme of this year's awards is "adaptive reuse" - a very popular trend in architecture that is efficient and environmentally responsible in which old or historic buildings are converted for new uses while retaining their classic features. All twelve honorees were chosen for their contributions in this field.

With 1.2 million square feet of renovated and restored space in 25 buildings in the greater Los Angeles area alone, the Church of Scientology International and local Scientology Churches are considered pioneers and leaders in the restoration of vintage properties.

But LA is certainly not the only city with new Scientology churches following the adaptive re-use model. Beautifully renovated new churches have been opened in Berlin (January 2007), London (October 2006), Johannesburg, Madrid, New York, San Francisco and Buffalo/NY. Three more opened over the past few years in Silicon Valley. And a program is underway to expand this to include new premises over the next three years for every existing Scientology church and new churches in major cities around the world."

The newest building opened in Berlin, Germany, on 13 January 2007: